यह ब्लॉग खोजें

सोमवार, 3 अक्टूबर 2011

Cut & Paste!

Cutting and pasting,
That is the order of the day!

We transplant beautiful carpet grass,
We paste pitchers on plants,
Creating, thus, pitcher plants,
We cut the rights
And freedom
Of one and all
And paste our will
On the blank space
Created by someone's fall.

Will this land accept the carpets of grass?
Will the scorching heat
Spare the plastic pots?
Will the hot summer
And perennial lack of water
Spare these cuts and pastes?
Will the erratic power supply
Not spoil the system at all?

Let the grass grow on its own,
Let us just trim it
And water it!
Let there be beautiful
If at all we want
Aesthetic beauty!

Hurry will spoil things
Arrogance will kill the souls
Tapes on lips
Won't serve any purpose!

Well, everything has an end!
We shall wait
For the real spring,
And chirping of birds,
And fountains of water
And a calm and cool
To relax
And get rid of
Stress and tension!

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