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शनिवार, 4 फ़रवरी 2012

Discussion on Master and Margarita -Chapter 02.2

We have seen that Pontius Pilate is suffering from headache. The reason for this headache is the smell coming from red roses.
Many times in M&M you can see that Bulgakov does not pay any attention to the HEAD - the thinking process- and many times you will come across such expressions as ' Why Head? Head is not at all needed here!.'
Even Mayakovsky in his play 'Bed bug' depicts a scene where the fish is being sold in the market. Two shopkeepers are selling the same fish at different rates. The inquiry reveals that the cheaper fish is longer too. The explanation given by the shopkeeper : Cut the head...why do you need the head?
That means any type of mental activity was not welcome in those days in the Soviet Union. They wanted just numbers, just robots?
Another person in chapter 2 who attracts us is Mark Krysoboi. In English it is translated as Ratslayer.
Right, there was a movement of cleaning the rats from the fields...i.e. harmful elements from the society.
Please pay attention to the description of Mark Krysoboi...and I shall get back to you...

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