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रविवार, 29 जनवरी 2012

Discussion on Master and Margarita -Chapter 02.1

In chapter 1 we saw that Ivan Bezdomnyi and Berlioz were discussing in the Patriarchy Ponds Park about the existence of Christ. Berlioz explains to Bezdomnyi that He never existed. Suddenly they come across a stranger who says that he is an expert on black magic. This Professor emphasizes that Christ existed and no proof is needed for this.He takes Bezdomnyi and Berlioz to the ancient Jerusalem where The Christ is being questioned by procurator of Rome Ponius Pilate.

Please pay attention to the last sentence of chapter 1. It is the same as the first sentence of chapter 2. Bulgakov uses this device to realise shift of time and space...from Moscow to Jerusalem; from Modern times to the ancient times.

You will definitely, carefully read the dialogues between Yeshua and Pontius Pilate. Just pay attention to the condition of Pontius Pilate in the beginning of chapter.

The Procurator is suffering from Migraine . Why? Because of scent of roses. Why roses? Why migraine? So that only one half of his head suffers, he does not feel like thinking,he is going to use his mind to as little an extent as possible.

Pay attention to Mark Krysoboi.

I shall discuss Krysoboi in the next chat with you.

Pay attention to the metaphor of Sun as well.

We are really going to go slow so that you are able to read the chapter carefully.

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