यह ब्लॉग खोजें

रविवार, 20 नवंबर 2011

Shall we discuss M&M here?

Hi! I am uoloading M.Bulgakov's Master and Margarita in Hindi on the blog


So far posted about two chapters. As each chapter is pretty big, decided to split it into small units of 2-3 pages.Read the first chapter and pay attention to the following:

Who are the characters introduced in this chapter?
Where is the action taking place?

Is there any indication of time, space?

Is anything worrying the characters? What are they discussing?
Description of the stranger.

If you want, you can send me answers to these questions. We shall go slowly...when one chapter is uploaded, we shall take it up. Pl don't miss the link. Every thing is important in Bulgakov's works.

Shall respond to your queries if any. 

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