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रविवार, 22 जुलाई 2012

Discussion on Master& Margarita - 11

Chapter 11

 This is a beautiful chapter which describes very briefly Ivan’s transition into a New Ivan.

When Ivan Bezdomnyi was advised by Prof. Stravinsky to give in writing the whole episode concerning Berlioz’s death, Ivan starts writing, but he could not write an impressive draft. No matter how many times he tried, the subsequent version came out worse than the earlier one.

In the meanwhile the sky is overcast with clouds; it started raining heavily and all this affected Ivan. He felt very nervous, he was disappointed, he was depressed and unable to control himself, he started crying.

The doctor gives him an injection and assures that everything will be alright.

Please note that the action takes place precisely at the same time when Varenukha is being lifted and carried to flat No. 50 amidst heavy rain….that is Thursday afternoon/evening.

Very soon the rain stopped, and the clear sky made all things visible from Ivan’s window.

Ivan was now feeling very calm and he felt that he is able to think in a more reasonable way.

He admits that it was foolish to run after the Professor and his team with a candle and the icon and to create scene at the Griboedov’s. He asks himself, “Why did I get so excited when Berlioz was run over by the tram car? Well, accidents do happen in life. Who was Berlioz to me? He was neither my friend nor a relative! Let him go to hell…he had a dangerously sweet tongue. If Berlioz has died, there will come a new President for the MASSOLIT, may be more dangerous than Berlioz!

I was a fool that I did all that…

Ivan is now changing…He feels that this hospital not bad, that Stravinsky is good…It would have been better to find out from him what happened to Pontius Pilate and Ha-Nostri.

Now and then Old Ivan tries to dissuade New Ivan from this transformation, but Ivan has now changed. He confesses that he was a fool to have created all that scandal.

After this change he finds himself drowsing and sees the forest of Lindens…the jolly cat passing by…

And when he was just about to fall asleep, the door of the balcony opens without any sound and a voice whispers, “shhhhhh….!!!”

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