यह ब्लॉग खोजें

सोमवार, 11 जून 2012

Discussion on Master & Margarita - 02.5

M&M – 2.5  
We can now see that there are four main characters in this chapter:

Pontius Pilate, who represents The Caesar in Yerushalem;
Yeshua, who is accused of inciting the people to destroy the temple of Yerushalem;
Mark Krysoboi, the Chief of security, shown to be taller than the tallest of soldiers;
Kaif, The Religious Head.

But there are two more characters, a sweeping reference to whom is found in the chapter:
The Caesar and The man in hood, whom Pilate meets in the dark room just for a few seconds.

The Caesar is not present in Yerushalem, but his presence is always felt there. That is why when the second charge is levelled against Yeshua – the charge of showing disrespect to Him, Pilate comes to know that he won’t be able to save Ha-Nostri from imminent death. He tries to send signals to Yeshua that he rejects this allegation, but Yeshua confesses that he had told people about the rule of Kings: Any government is just an instrument to torture people…and a time will come when there will be no rulers left in the world and the Man will enter the kingdom of truth and justice.

That was the end of it!

Pilate declares Yeshua guilty and confirms death sentence upon him by the Lower court, and he rubs his hands as if he is washing them.
While Pilate is scared of the Caesar, Kaif does not leave an opportunity to complain against him to the Caesar. Pilate, the Administrative Head and Kaif, the ideological/political head hate each other. But they are also careful lest no one overhears them. Kaif wants Yeshua to die, while Pilate wants to save him, but finds that he cannot do so.

The Holy Bible does not mention that Pilate developed some soft feelings for Yeshua.

Please pay attention to the depiction of the Caesar. The ulcerous growth on his forehead…

We shall think about these details when we discuss chapters 16, 25 and 26 dealing with the theme of Pilate-Yeshua.

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