‘Just then
the armed soldiers brought a young man of about 27 years. He was in a tattered
blue long gown, a white kerchief on his head…’
So, the age
of Yeshua Ha-Nostri is given as 27 years….The Holy Bible mentions the same as
33 years….
Yeshua is
wearing a blue dress, according to the Holy Bible, it was black….He says that
he does not remember his parents, says that they were Syrians…this is again
deviation from the Holy Bible.
is accused of inciting people to destroy the temple in Yerushalem…he says that
he did not incite any one for this and had said that the temple of old beliefs
will come down and in its place a new temple of truth will come up.
This was going
against the local ideological/religious system which was headed by Kaif.
Please pay
attention to the relationship between Pontius Pilate and Kaif…
They hate
each other. Kaif had complained to the Caesar against Pilate. Chapter 2 shows
that Pilate in fact wanted to save Yeshua. He wanted to take him away from Yerushalam
and keep with him. But Kaif insisted that he wants Yeshua to be hanged.
After pronouncing
death sentence to Yeshua, he rubs his hands as if he is washing them. The same
action will be repeated in a letter chapter as well.
Shall get
back to you soon!
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