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शनिवार, 23 जून 2012

Discussion on Master & Margarita - Chapter 4

Discussion on Master & Margarita – Chapter 4

 We can say that Chapter 4 indicates the beginning of action in Moscow.

As soon as Bezdomnyi heard the first screams, he rushed towards the exit and saw Berlioz’s severed head rolling along the fencing of Patriarchy Park.

He was so stunned that he collapsed on a nearby bench and could not move. 

When the screams stopped he heard two women discussing the tragic incident and one of them commented, “Annushka! Our Annushka! She bought one liter of sunflower oil but the bottle hit the turnstile and the whole oil spilled on the ground. The unfortunate man slipped over it and fell over the rails.”

The bells start ringing in Bezdomnyi’s mind! Annushka! Sunflower oil! The meeting! Pontius Pilate! The Professor!

Ivan Bezdomnyi jumped to the conclusion that Professor knew about Berlioz’s death….maybe he himself had plotted the accident!!??  He comes back to the bench where he was sitting with the Professor a little while ago and sees that the same tall, thin person in a checkered shirt was sitting near the Professor. 

He was wearing specs with one glass!

This person is one of the most important characters of the novel. Ivan requests him to help in catching the criminal…..well, you must have read all this…

Let us go to the ‘chase’…..

Ivan is following the troika….the Professor, the Big, giant cat and the tall, thin man.

Pay attention to the small details…

The cat is paying money to the tram-conductor; she only says that the cats are not allowed inside the trams, but nobody…nobody, pays attention to the fact that the CAT was PAYING money to the conductor!

While following the professor Ivan somehow decides that he is in Building No 13, Flat No.47. This was one such building which earlier belonged to the noble class and is now converted into a community building. The destruction that has taken place inside the building, the dust and dirt, the common kitchen with a paper icon of the Christ and a candle…the woman bathing who mistook Ivan as her lover and she asks him to go back as her husband is expected any moment…the similar orange shaded lamps seen from ALL windows, the same music, a loud screaming voice singing a love song from Evgenyi Onegin (this loud, angry voice is depicted many times!)….you get a glimpse of the Moscow of 20’s!

Then happens an interesting thing.

When Ivan jumps into Moscow River in search of professor….

The water was very cold, there was oil spilled on the water from the steamers etc that were sailing on the river, Ivan’s clothes are stolen, only the candle and the paper icon of the Christ which he had lifted from the building No 13 was left on the bank and also the clothes of the peasant whom Ivan had entrusted his clothes. Ivan had no choice but to put on the short trousers and a loose shirt, he pinned up the icon on his shirt and held the candle in one hand and starts for Griboyedov House.

Can we say that this was purification of Ivan in the water mixed with oil; he adopts the Icon, is he baptized? Some people might think on these lines, but we shall notice that a gradual change takes place in Ivan’s outlook, his thinking process. He comes to know many things which earlier seemed insignificant to him.

The next chapter reveals many things of the literary life of Moscow.

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